Thursday, April 28, 2011

Calls of Racism are a Red Herring

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipedia
Some blacks see racism in 'birther' questions

Yes, that's an actual headline from the AP today. Here is my response to that article and the inane assertions it makes about those loony "Birthers".

As much as I dislike the "Birther" folks and as much as I think they're cracked in the head I still don't think they are racially motivated. I have yet to see someone categorically provide evidence that the "Birthers", the Tea Party, the Republicans, Conservatives, or anyone else labeled racist by the left, have acted purely or even mostly because President Obama is of African heritage. Naming someone racist because they feel like the policies and direction of this administration are wrong is a Red Herring and should be called out as such. 

In many ways it seems the President is trying to change the focus as much as the "Birthers". He claimed that the "Birther Movement" was taking the focus off of the economy...but the stories on the economy eclipsed the "birther" stories by several factors of bringing this stupid joke to the level of legitimacy that he has he removes the focus from him and the inept management of the economy to the idiots of the "Birther" movement. Good political move...sad...but calculated. Now the media would like to turn this into a racial thing rather than what it is...a calculated political maneuver to distract the public from the bad news on the economy. This collaborative effort on the part of the media and the White House is counter productive and only exacerbates the Presidents real problems in getting a split legislative body to correct the cumulative financial idiocy of the last 3 decades.

Below are some articles that seem to disagree with me.
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