Monday, May 31, 2010

Washington State Senate Seat...Currently Occupied by Patty Murray

So I've been kind of busy the last couple of weeks.  I haven't really invested a lot of time for my blogging.  My other blog gives a rather detailed reason why.  Most recently I spoke of a candidate from Wisconsin.  Scott Walker is an admirable man and certainly deserves the thoughtful consideration of his constituency.  I don't live in Wisconsin though.  So I will refer to the old adage that  says all politics is local.  Living in Washington State I am obliged to comment on the races that matter most to me and the one of most import right now is the one being fought for the seat in the Senate currently occupied by Patty Murray.
The last couple of months a local football hero by the name of Clint Didier has been making massive in roads into the polls in his effort to unseat Murray.  Didier is a relative unknown in the state political arena.  He had not garnered significant Republican party support but had received the endorsement of Sarah Palin, which could be regarded as a bellwether...although it can't be said of what.   In some polls Didier has reached parity in a fight with Murray.   Most recently, however, he has slipped.  What can be attributed to this slip?  None other than two time Gubernatorial nominee Dino Rossi, the GOP party favorite.  Dino Rossi is a great guy.  His stance on the politics of this state are what we needed when he first won the Governors seat before being ousted after three recounts and thousands of illegal votes made Christine Gregiore our Governor.  His time was then and not now.
Dino Rossi has the endorsement and was encouraged by the GOP regulars to enter the race nearly 6 months after others in the field announced their campaign.  People like Clint Didier, who has amassed considerable statewide support, have done the hard and expensive work of gaining recognition.  Now, when much of their support is cementing, Dino Rossi comes in with his state recognition from two failed attempts at the Governors Mansion.  Even before he entered the race he was polled as more than a match for Murray he decided that he would enter the race only after his Primary opponents had spent their time and money building statewide recognition.  I wouldn't fault him this if he could point to legitimate differences in his platform that make him the better candidate.  The problem I have is that, largely, his platform matches Didier's almost plank for plank.  Rather than muddying the waters in a top two primary Rossi had the opportunity to do like Mitt Romney, throw his statewide recognition behind the strongest current campaign and leverage that for future political favors.
I don't have any problems with Rossi winning.  I think it would be a much better option to Murray.  I do, however, think that the ringing endorsements of the GOP entrenched makes his independence somewhat suspect.  I want a straight talking, frank, aggressive tight-end that is humble enough to accept a hand when he needs it but strong enough to never rely on it.  I compare this to a smooth speaking real-estate agent with deep ties to the West-side (read: left-side)of the state .
Sure the Tea-Party has embraced Didier and that may or may not be his biggest leg in but he is not the Tea-Party candidate that the left derides as racist, sexist and anything else -ist they think they can pin on someone with no evidence to support their position.  He is a true outsider with an intimate understanding of the States needs and interests in local, national and world politics.  If our top two primary works the way I want it to work then we'll have the choice between two awesome guys and either answer will be acceptable.  If it gives us a clear choice between Murray and either one of the big name GOP candidates then I hope the result is that the tight-end reaches the end-zone again.

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1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I fear that, no matter which Republican wins out, it will be another Murray party...


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