Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stop Immigration. (Period)

So there are many people who are having a hard time with Arizona'z new stance (actual enforcement) on immigration.  Certainly the left has done a magnificent job of making this sound worse than the law actually reads.  I read a piece by Pat Buchanan recently and I started thinking about the immigration issue in bigger terms.  First of all Pat is right.  Arizona's law makes it so that regular police officers can now act on reasonable suspicion of someone being an illegal resident.   This is, actually, the responsibility of the federal government.  It's the reason we pay border agents, FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, etc...  Arizona has simply taken it upon themselves to enforce what Obama has refused to enforce.  My thoughts on the subject are perhaps a little more radical than even Pat's.
I am of the opinion that until there is an effectively zero unemployment rate (frequently considered between 4 and 5%) the immigration both legal and otherwise should be limited extremely or entirely.  Yup.  I said it.  I would rather those immigrants who want to come to America to enjoy our liberties and wealth come here when the nation is prospering.  I want American's to hold jobs enough to support themselves and then be able to provide (if necessary) the support system that a new immigrant may need to be successful in our country of promise and opportunity.  Is that such a  horrible expectation?  Sure.  I'm a greedy bastard.  I don't want someone to come over and make it harder for themselves and everyone else because they're now competing for jobs that are non-existent.  They would be better off in a country that they are familiar with and have some sort of support system.  We need another Eisenhower.  Someone who recognizes the importance of making sure legal citizens should be considered for employment first.  The "jobs that American's won't work" is a misnomer and a lie.  The problem is that its so pervasive that some jobs are stigmatized to the degree that even entry level teenagers are not taking the jobs so they are competing for jobs against more educated, experienced, and capable people and not getting the job.  The effect of this is that young people are becoming more dependent and value work less.  This is could explain the reason so many young voters voted for Obama.  He promised that the Government would take care of them-- just like mommy and daddy.
I'm ok with being called a bigot, racist, fascist, Nazi, etc so long as others are willing to admit that they are dependent on the government in the exact same way they were dependent on their mother when they were born.  I think the latter is far more humiliating.
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