Friday, March 26, 2010

As Social Security Goes So Goes Healthcare "Reform".

Here's some information that you might find a little frustrating, disturbing, or just plain maddening. "This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office.*"  So here's the deal. The CBO, yes that CBO-- the CBO that gave Nancy Pelosi the illegitimate estimate of a 'trillion dollars saved' in the second decade of health reform, they estimated that the deficit between income and payout wouldn't be for another 6 years.  If their estimates are that far off no doubt the limited information that the CBO received on the Health Care plan (particularly after all the 'fixes') is more than likely even further off.  As with all socialist schemes such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaide, Education, and now Health Care, the money put in will almost always inevitably exceed the value taken out.  Notice that I didn't say that the money out is what is exceeded, I said the value.  This distinction is important. Education is arguably funded adequately but the value received for the taxes spent is not equivalent and that is not something anyone would argue.  Medicare and Medicaide are currently in just as bad of shape as Social Security.  I can't blame any of this exclusively on Democrats because Republicans have had their involvement in making these "benefits" available and expensive over the decades.  This means that both parties are culpable in the mess that we are in right now.  The only way to correct the corruption is to require responsibility.  The problem is that American's are too irresponsible to comfortably ask our politicians to be responsible.  At least half of us are torn on the health care handout and that's not good.  If your great-great grandparents could see the mess that we're in now they'd cry.  To them a hard days work was the only thing that earned you good health.  It was not a right.  To them an education was something that was worthwhile...if you could afford it.  It was not a right.  Our great-great grandparents didn't think it was a burden to take in their agin parents when they could no longer care for themselves.  Retirement was not a right.  Today, however, we see people screaming that it's their right to go to school and get a college education.  They seem to think that the college owes them an education instead of them earning an education.  It seems we are fine with giving politicians the power to be responsible for us...who's responsible for them?  This post started with Social Security and it's failing to be solvent 6 years earlier than projected.  This is fair warning for those of us who are more than 6 years from collecting Social Security.  We owe those who earned Social Security and we should pay in until the program fails.  It was them who saved us from Fascism, even if we invite it in today, it was them who built the platform for our prosperity, even if we squander it, and it was them who were promised this benefit, even if they didn't ask for it.  For this reason we pay in until the system breaks us.  But we should be ashamed of ourselves if we expect to get this or any other benefit that the Government means to enslave us with.  Today we should look at the course the last bastion of freedom is on and save it from doom by taking responsibility when noone else will. 

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