You've heard of Godwin's Law which more or less says that most online discussions will boil down to a comparison of someone or something to Hitler/Nazi's. I'm here to start a new law. It's called Anderson's Law of Racist Claims. All discussions of Tea Party proponents will result in the claim that all white people or more specifically all people against Obama or the Democrat party are intrinsically racist, regardless of their political, social, racial, and cultural affiliations. I recently read an article by Pat Buchanan about some recent accusations by Frank Rich. This article seemed to point out how the Left levies Godwin's Law (and now Anderson's Law) when they see Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Party Activists speaking out against the Government and whatever abuses they are lamenting. What the left seems to forget is that the cries of racism and hatred are pale when placed against the actual criminal (en masse) behavior that Liberals exhibited in the 1960's. While Democrats hunker down and send the FBI to arrest "militant Christians" the fact remains that very few actual instances of violence or documented proof of hatred or racism actually exists within the Tea Party movement. It's a shame that racism is the tool of the left. The Conservative/Tea Party Movements are anything but racially motivated. The Tea Party has it's roots in the Rick Santelli Feb. 19th 2009 rant that was in response to the stimulus bill. These types of issues are the glue that binds the Tea Party and results in a "Big Tent" that encompasses all parties and strata of thoughtful electorate. The keyword being thoughtful. It's the people who attempt to quell dissent by trumpeting claims of racism that are the real racists. They seem to think that people of color are foolish enough to buy into the claims and that they will be the constituency that keeps them in office. The problem is that all it will take is someone savvy and simple enough to communicate the real reason for the dissent to blow holes all over their claims of racism. The right is fighting for "equal opportunity not equal outcome" and that means that what the left is saying is that people of color need the Government because they aren't capable of achieving without them. This is the most insulting political stance I can imagine. If someone with half a brain runs for office on the argument that the Left is continuing to "coddle" the minorities because the Left doesn't believe that minorities can make it against the rest of the world I really think that things could change. If honor alone wouldn't open the eyes of the typical electorate of the Left then perhaps shame would. If you are a minority and you're voting for someone who believes that they need to give you a handout because of your minority status then you should really ask yourself why. Why would they want me to come to them for money, food, healthcare, retirement, housing, etc? Is this because white people are better than me and the only way I can have a chance is if the Government provides me with other peoples money as support? There are some in the academic world that think African American's should get reparations. Well if welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare don't count as reparations then I don't know what they want.
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