This week saw Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry in the news...between fuzzy images of Anthony Weiner in varying degrees of undress. So this week we have a relatively short battle between Gingrich and Perry...again you'll get to pick who wins the the match by using the poll in the top right of my blog.

Ding Ding: Round one starts with a big swing of "Smartest Man In Politics" by Newt. Perry counters with three successful terms as Governor of the biggest state in America (Sorry Alaska no-one cares about you). Newt lays it on the line with a heavy dose of Fox News interviews. Perry looks dazed but pulls out his Rolodex of deep pocketed Texans.
Round two: Perry is slow getting into the ring but still looks strong. Newt seems to be a little wary of Rick's deep pockets but stands up quickly. Newt punishes Perry with a barrage of name recognition and early entry into a long race. Perry absorbs it all and snags Newts top aides in the process. Folks this could be over before it even starts. Newt's clinging to the ropes with a Twitter campaign.
Round three: Newt is still hanging in there despite a seeming second wind from Perry. These two are dancing the ring avoiding the appearance of being damaged. Perry steps up and embraces the Tea Party and Paul Ryan's plan. Newt is on his heels and tries a desperate move to the middle to embrace the independents.
Ding Ding. This match is over. Lets see what the judges (that's you) have to say.
Post your comments to vote or simply click in the poll widget in the top right of this site. Winner to be announced Sunday(Fathers' day) vote early.

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