In no particular least not one that I care to admit.
Mitch Daniels, Governor of Indiana (not announced)
- Fiscal conservative; lowered taxes and eliminated $200million deficit and turned it into a $1.3Billion surplus
- Strong history of results in a state that needed serious help
- Family values even in the face of his wife leaving him for another man then returning
- Rides a motorcycle :-)
- He's short :-)
- Excellent speaker
- He's almost exclusively concerned with fiscal matters saying that "social issues" need to take a back seat
- Slow to enter the race (this speaks to the ever elusive "fire in the belly")
- Not well known (this could be remedied if he gets himself some serious press coverage with outrageous populist rhetoric)
- He's losing his hair :-) (like I should talk)
Mitt Romney Former Governor of Massachusetts
- Legit business credentials that he can bring to the biggest economy in the world
- Governor of a liberal state (shows he can get things done with bipartisan atmosphere...better than Obama with both houses who barely passed Healthcare)
- Speaks well and isn't afraid to use red-meat rhetoric (this has changed from 2008)
- Family values (being Mormon actually helps here)
- Already dispelled "Mormon Issue" with his awesome speech in 2008
- Awesome hair and movie star looks ;-) tell me otherwise ladies.
- He's Mormon...Yeah I still think there's folks that are that bigoted
- He has unquestionably flip-flopped on social issues...largely legit explanations but still gotta hang the summer footwear on his neck
- RomneyCare...he's gotta separate the difference between a State solution and a Federal solution we are a Republic and he's got to explain what that means to those who aren't smart enough to understand what that means
- He's black...yup I think he will prove that the GOP is not racist and that as a Tea Party favorite he can unite the apparent division in the party
- Legit business credentials as CEO of Godfathers Pizza (He should be President because his chains gave me all you can eat buffets through high school)
- He's so right on all the issues social and otherwise
- He's popular with the Tea Party, like it or not the Tea Party will dictate the discussion for this primary season
- He has the "fire in the belly" and to spare...when he speaks people listen and are informed, entertained, and convinced
- He's black...yup there's a group of insane bigots
- He will undoubtedly stick his foot in his mouth due to his being so flamboyant and unscripted
- He has no middle ground...he sees things in very stark terms and this will not win everyone over
- He's a Tea Party favorite...this will be something that the moderates and white collar Republicans won't like
Tim Pawlenty Governor of Minnesota
- Very good Governor of a liberal state with solid performance and support from his own state
- Seems to ride the Republican planks like they were made for him
- Moderate on almost all issues but sufficiently conservative for even the furthest to the right
- Well groomed...this is important no matter what you say
- Socially conservative enough
- He's not Mormon...he is basically the Evangelical alternative to Mitt Romney
- While he's given some spirited speeches he's not particularly powerful
- He's not well known...he doesn't seem to be able to correct this issue even with four years to try and correct the issue
- He is not well will have a lot of influence in this years campaign with Obama set to raise $750 million for his campaign
Newt Gingrich former Speaker of the House
- Enjoys broad Tea Party support
- She's got the "fire in the belly"
- She speaks truth to power in a way that is easily understood (rhetoric for the blue collar and red-neck)
- Her gender will help her gain notoriety and name recognition in the media overcoming the fact that most people don't know her name
- She's got the conservative planks covered REALLY well
- Enjoys broad Tea Party support and for moderates this will be the sole reason for not voting for her
- She's "too" salt of the earth and may come off less serious despite her taking on serious issues
- Her gender will make her a target and there are simply some women/men who will not vote for a female President
- She's going to have "see Russia from my house" moments because she's so vocal about things
Newt Gingrich former Speaker of the House
- The head of one of the greatest eras of prosperity in recent history
- Smart- he knows his stuff on just about every political topic out there
- Bedrock Republican meaning that he's what the foundation of the current Republican party was built on
- He's relatively well known and admired for his time as Speaker
- His connections are going to give him some help with money
- He pissed off a lot of folks by knocking Paul Ryan's budget suggestions
- He's a Bedrock Republican and that means he's the foundation of the current Republican party...some say that's a bad thing
- Evangelicals still aren't going to be happy with his marital situation
Sarah Palin former Governor of Alaska
- She about the most well known potential candidate out there after her entry as a celebrity in 2008
- The Tea-Party is her party and if she doesn't run her endorsement could be king-maker
- She was a wildly popular Governor who was creative in finding real solutions to her states problems
- She's hot! She'd be the best looking President ever if she ascended to the throne in the Oval Office
- She's a girl and that's going to be a liability for some voters...particularly Republicans
- The Tea-Party is strong but are they strong enough to move the whole Republican establishment?
- She is not liked by WAY too many people and she isn't going to be able to fix that easily
Ron Paul Congressman for Texas
- Has got to be one of the smartest men in the Republican party
- His fiscal policies are exactly what America needs and no one, not even Romney, has made as well a reasoned argument on fiscal matters as Ron Paul
- He's Liberterian which means he'll bring in a voting block that is important to merge into the Republican party eventually
He has one of the most consistent voting records and has voted his conscience and not party line
- He's cracked in the head. This guy still thinks we shouldn't have gone to war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The legality is beyond question. If you disagree let me know
- He's a Liberterian and there's a lot of fundamentalist Republicans that have forgotten about the Big Tent
- He's ancient as in just about dead ancient...agism aside he would be by a wide margin the oldest president in a first term and a second term would almost certainly be out of the question
Alright...that's my list. I know there's Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, John Huntsman Jr., and there's still hope that Chris Christie will change his mind, but I'm sticking with this field for my purposes. If you've got more bullets that I missed for any of these or have another candidate suggestion leave it in the comments. Now hit up the poll to the right and tell me who you're favorite is.

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