Obama is no dummy. He's going to appear to be outside the fray and as a result it will be the Republican's who are struggling to demonstrate results after getting the "will" of the people. When they fail to do that because the Senate shoots down everything the House passes the Republican's will be forced to try and make Obama the fall guy in order to pull off any kind of win in 2012. That's going to be a very hard thing to do if Obama manages to keep his mouth shut.
So now the pressure to stop Obama is on the Republicans. How do they manage the legislative process and defeat Obama in 2012? The road is perilous and involves finding their candidate for President early and unanimously. There needs to be a consensus candidate that emerges in the next 6-9 months and he/she needs to have universal support by the Tea Party faithful, and the GOP stalwart, while appealing to those who aren't socially conservative but want to see America with a path to fiscal sanity. Right now that candidate hasn't come forward. In addition to that they will also need to demonstrate that they can get democrats in the Senate to pass legislation that falls in line with Republican promises. There's almost no chance that happens if Obama doesn't want it to happen. His power in the Senate was seen when they managed to pass the Healthcare overhaul against all odds. So Obama is going to have to walk a fine line of influence in the Senate and neutrality in the process. He needs to create a strong backbone in the Senate while not appearing to be the brace that keeps them from bending. If he manages that, I don't see him losing against any of the Republican front runners unless things gel behind one candidate.
Tell me how you see Obama in office in 2013.

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