Wisconsin is in debt up to its eyeballs and the amount that they're talking about in this collective bargaining and the savings from the concessions they're asking for are a proverbial drop in the bucket. So no it's not about the money. The problem is that the unions represent a political funding source of the Democratic Party and as a result this is between the Democrats and Republicans and the battle for state and national dominance.
I'm not going to elaborate on who I think is right in this particular battle but I am going to say that I think unions have had their day...their advocacy for the people they represent is now way beyond the reality of protecting rights and ensuring safety. The days when unions represented fairness in the workplace are gone. Now they represent entitlements that put states and employers (GM, Ford, etc..) in a position where the majority of their overhead is covering items that most non-union employees pay for with their own money. By pitting tax-payers against other tax-payers they're creating a type of class warfare that has no winners, middle-class versus middle-class. The result is that the political classes further divide the country and the voters keep us in a stalemate the generates no improvement in our fiscal situation and thus doom us to a world where the greatest country in the history of the world falls the way of Rome. Is that what we want? Do you agree with me? Is there a way out of this spiral? Do unions need to fall in order for the Republic to stand? I don't have the answers...just my opinion. Share your opinion in the comments section below.