In the blue corner wearing a Boston Redsox cap and a tie and weighing in with an impressive performance against a strong contender in Sarah Palin and a flawless national debate appearance we have the Massachusetts Mormon....Miiiiiitttt Romneeeey!
In the other blue corner wearing a Chinese flag lapel pin just below his American flag lapel pin and just back from a tour of duty in China for the Commander in Chief. The Utah man with a plan and a charming persuasion. Jaaaaahhhhhn Huntsmaan!

Ding Ding! Round one was hard fought. Mitt is looking strong and Jon is looking confident...something must be up these guys long sleeve shirts to be standing so steady.
Round two starts. And there's a lot of preening and posturing as these two take another chance to size each other up. Romney throws the first punch with an effort to move the Utah primaries up...trying to win Jon's own state. Jon looks taken aback but counters by spending more time in New Hampshire trying to win Mitt's state. Both men take off their ties and look serious now. Romney pulls out his experience in the private sector creating jobs. Jon points out real tax decreases in Utah claiming the mantle of fiscal conservative. Both men look ready to make their final blow...leaning into a Rocky-Apolo Creed like punch using their common Mormon roots in prominent early follower Parley Pratt.
Ding Ding. Calling this at two rounds. Both men seem evenly paired and it's time to take it to the judges. Vote in the top right of the blog to decide who won this bout.